10 Vacancies - Ministry of Provincial Councils & Local Government

Applications are called to fill the following positions in the LGESP project under the Ministry of Provincial Councils & Local Government.

  1. Senior Engineer Cum Compliance Officer
  2. Senior Engineer Cum Procurement Coordinator
  3. Procurement Specialist
  4. Engineer Civil
  5. Accountant
  6. Environmental and Social Safeguard Manager
  7. Reform and Safeguard Manager
  8. Reform Manager 

The officers who are serving in the public sector or state organizations should send their applications through their respective heads of Institutions and interested persons are requested to forward their Curriculum Vitae with copies of relevant education qualifications and experience certificates to the mentioned address on or before 3.00 p.m on 14.08.2017 by registered post. Name of the project and the post should be written on the top left hand corner of the envelope. The late applications will be rejected. 

Fore more details please refer the attachment below.

Closing Date: 2017.08.14

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